Saturday, August 11, 2018

Take The #CripTheVote Challenge

#CripTheVote ballot box logoWith less than three months until the Midterm Election on November 6, now is the time for disabled voters to take the #CripTheVote Challenge. Pick three disability issues you care about most, and ask candidates about them.

We invite #CripTheVote readers, participants, and friends to make this a group effort.

First, choose your three issues and compose a tweet for them. Don't forget to include the #CripTheVote hashtag in your tweets so your questions and replies become part of the larger conversation.

Disability policy questions for @CandidateX -
1. Would you include coverage for home care in any #Medicare4All bill you would support? 
2. Do you support ending subminimum wage for disabled workers?
3. Do you support the Disability Integration Act #DIAtoday?
Or, you can do one tweet per question if there's more you need to say about each one.

Next, ask candidates in your areas the three questions you have developed. Again, use Twitter and the #CripTheVote hashtag so everyone can see the impact we are having, and also see any candidate responses you get. Of course you can also ask your questions in other ways: personally at campaign events, comment sections on candidate websites, on other social media like Facebook and Tumblr, Letters to the Editor of local newspapers, and direct letters to candidates. Adding other, related movement hashtags to your tweets can also help introduce others to disability issues.

If you’re not sure what disability issues to ask about, check out these links to disability policy statements and overviews:

Don’t let candidates get through the campaign without addressing disability issues. Join the #CripTheVote Challenge!

If you have any questions about this or any other #CripTheVote initiative, contact:

Alice Wong
Twitter: @SFdirewolf

Gregg Beratan
Twitter: @GreggBeratan

Andrew Pulrang
Twitter: @AndrewPulrang