Issues - Which broad disability-related issue categories are most important to you? (Rated from 10 most important to 1 least)
Health care - 8.71
Civil rights / discrimination - 7.95
Accessibility - 7.12
Benefits - 5.31
Housing - 5.06
Employment - 4.98
Long term care / personal assistance - 4.44
Education - 4.38
Assistive technology - 2.81
Medical treatment discrimination - 4.39
Earnings / benefits - 4.37
COVID vaccine access - 4.26
Affordable, accessible housing - 4.18
Voting accessibility - 4.16
Police violence - 4.14
Home care funding - 4.11
Marriage penalties - 4.04
IDEA funding - 3.94
Right to home care - 3.92
Pain medication - 3.84
Disability policy - 3.84
Special Ed oversight - 3.82
Which #CripTheVote activities do you find most valuable? (Rated from 5 most important to 1 least)
Everyday discussions - 4.79Scheduled chats - 3.90
Interviews on the blog - 3.76
Candidate chats - 3.32
Live tweeting - 3.06
Online issue surveys - 2.24
Which of the following best describes your connection in disability issues?
I have a disability - 396There is a disabled person in my family - 121
I work in the disability field - 74
Just interested - 20
Other - 19
What is your race / ethnicity?
White or Caucasian - 91%Hispanic or Latinx - 7%
Black or African-American - 3%
Asian or Asian American - 3%
Other - 3%
American Indian or Native American - 1%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander - 1%
What is your age?
35-44 - 12925-34 - 104
45-54 - 82
18-24 - 44
55-64 - 44
65+ - 18
Under 18 - 7
What is your gender?
Female - 270Male - 74
Non-binary - 66
Transgender man - 4
Transgender woman - 1
Other - 13
What type of disability do you have?
Physical / orthopedic - 270Chronic pain / chronic illness - 260
Mental health - 211
Autism - 77
Learning disability - 63
Other - 57
Cognitive / intellectual - 52
Sensory (Deaf / Blind) - 43
Speech - 17