Issues Surveys

2018 #CripTheVote Disability Issues Survey Results

589 people responded between February 1 and March 31, 2018

Note: We repeated all the questions from the 2016 Survey, so we could compare results. We also included a place to add up to 5 new issues that might important today.

There was a #CripTheVote Twitter Chat on the 2018 Survey on April 8, 2018.

1. Disability Policy Areas in priority order: 1 = top priority, 10 = lowest priority.

1. Health Care
2. Civil Rights / Discrimination
3. Accessibility
4. Housing
5. Benefits
6. Employment
7. Education
8. Long Term Care / Personal Assistance
9. Transportation
10. Assistive Technology

2. Disability Policy Ideas: Respondents asked to choose 5 out of 15 specific ideas. (Percent of respondents who chose each one, in order of popularity, most to least.

72.56% Defend Social Security and Medicaid / Medicare against political attacks.
56.32% Hire and appoint more disabled people to government and policy-making positions.
50.54% Require disability awareness training for law enforcement.
47.47% Pass the Disability Integration Act to promote independent living instead of nursing homes.
43.68% Strengthen enforcement of accessibility standards.
40.97% Ban or phase out payment of sub-minimum wage.
38.81% Change Social Security to reduce or eliminate work disincentives.
33.21% Strengthen voting rights and accessibility.
32.13% Eliminate use of physical restraint and isolation in public schools.
29.06% Eliminate the Social Security “marriage penalty.”
15.70% Strengthen the rights of parents with disabilities.
11.73% Increase federal share of Special Education costs.
11.55% Strengthen enforcement of “most integrated setting” regulations in Special Education.
10.83% Review and reform guardianship laws relating to people with disabilities.
5.42% Ban or phase out sheltered workshops.

3. What best describes your interest in disability?

61% I have a disability
22% I have a disability and disabled person(s) in my family
9% There is a disabled person(s) in my family
5% I work in the disability field
4% Just interested

4. New "write-in" policy ideas:

The following is a complete list of the 866 topics written in by survey respondents:
  • Make sure the ADA Educational Bill
  • Intersectionality
  • handicap accessibility
  • Protect Social Security and Medicare
  • Protection of the ADA
  • Stop EVV Electronic Visit Verification for Income Services
  • Trump’s "public charge"
  • Medication
  • Mental health Access (telehealth)
  • olmstead act
  • Creating more subsidized housing & making application for such easier
  • Healthcare - coverage limits
  • Address earning limits for those receiving Medicaid
  • net neutrality
  • EVV
  • IHSS Restrictions: Electronic Visit Verification
  • no descrimination in employment
  • all states need to have supported decision-making as an alternative to legal guardianship (remove pronouncing people 'incompetent' )
  • Money follows the person
  • Empower Act
  • Forced sterilization
  • access to laptops and assistive devices in classrooms
  • Eliminate Medicaid income cap
  • Protect the rights of incarcerated people with disabilities
  • Discrimination involving employment
  • ADA Compliance for public spaces and facilities
  • Reinstitute and possibly improve IDEA. Make sure it is mandatory for all educational settings. An improvement might allow education of kids with sensory disabilities in less integrated settings for part of their education to gain skill in areas like ASL and Braille. The public schools are doing very poorly with Braille already.
  • Public benefits increase resource threshold
  • defending and strengthening the affordable care act
  • Disability justice isn't still too anti-black
  • Defeat any Senate bill like 2017 ADA Education& Reform Act (HR 620)
  • Suppprt for invisible illness (TBI, PTSD) as disability
  • Assault on ADA and accessibility.
  • introduce concept of disability cultural competency
  • Public education about disablities
  • Increase SSI to at least full time minimum wage amount
  • Attempts to gut the ADA
  • Social security and Medicaid/Medicare protection
  • Stop the Electronic Visit Verification system for PCA employers
  • Reform of disability ruling system
  • reducing mental health stigma
  • HR 620 dismantling the ADA
  • Increase accessibility to caregiving services for people living with severe chronic illness. Many do not even know they have a right to these services, and many states turn away women (most patients with autoimmune or neuro-immune disease are women) with "invisible" chronic illness because the assessment is not written in a way that accurately gauges need for these disabilities, and also because the patient doesn't look sick enough or fit the idea of who is a caregiving client.
  • The implications of the opioid epidemic cutbacks on prescribing
  • Rights of children for education
  • Long term care needs to be completely reworked. We need more choice, less bureaucracy, and a system that doesn't cut you off of living independently if you have a decent paying competitive career
  • Blindess/ Low vision
  • I am newly disabled...
  • Protecting the ADA
  • Disability representation in the media
  • Work Requirements Under Medicaid
  • Pre-exsisting conditions in health care
  • Minimum disabiliy payment must be liveable
  • Oppose doctor assisted suicide
  • Abolish the limit of money a Disability recipient can have in their savings accounts.
  • Shut down Rottenburg/end torture including electric shocks
  • Insurance covering Service Dogs, since, by law, they are considered medical equipment
  • Outlaw shock therapy
  • Inclusiveness for Invisible disabilities
  • Chronic pain and opioid
  • Career counseling and vocational rehabilitation
  • register / Gov ID issued to service animals so pets aren't allowed into public spaces to disrupt attack the working service animal
  • Protect and expand access to healthcare
  • Pro-actively protect medical privacy with explicit focus on disabled and mentally ill patients
  • access to sexual education for disabled students especially disabled POC and LGBTQIA students
  • Medical marijuana
  • Mental health on young disabled people. Like teenagers to young adults. I’ve seen includes myself that many of them struggles to fit in society.
  • Mental health support services
  • Disability disclosure in workplace
  • Better funding for Paratransit. Making Paratransit more timely and less expensive to the riders. Also possibly utilizing vouchers for services like Uber, local taxi, etc., in the place of Paratransit when possible or feasible.
  • Voting rights and accessability
  • Protect the ADA
  • improving special education class sizes
  • Strengthen the ADA
  • Limit profiteers of disability (advocates, lawyers, etc)
  • Stop torture in schools like the JRC in Massachusetts
  • Attempt to weaken the ADA
  • Push back against the idea that mental illness is the same thing as hate/that mentally ill people are responsible for most gun crime
  • Increased protection from sexual assault and harassment against disabled people
  • Medicare and Medicaid Cuts
  • ADA
  • H.R. 620
  • accessible phones & CONTINUED HELP using them
  • Harassment / bullying
  • Increase accessible parking - especially snow removal requirements
  • mental health out of the closet
  • helping those with disabilities aquire safe, affordable, and accessible housing
  • media portrayal of disabled lives
  • Protect ADA from being broken apart and putting the responsibility on the person with the disability
  • Living wage pay for workers that support adults and children at home and their community.
  • Funding for adaptive mobility equipment so more disabled can enjoy the outdoors
  • Supporting work limitations of single parents of a child(ren) with a significant disability.
  • Police brutality and ignorance especially about mental health disabilities
  • Protect ADA from political attacks
  • Future of Medicaid and Medicare under Paul Ryan
  • need effective monitoring of federal disability-related programs; CIL, VR, Medicaid
  • Require cities to have offices to protect disability rights
  • "opioid epidemic" making it difficult for those with chronic pain to get needed meds
  • Resist Trump on everything.
  • Defend against H.R. 620
  • Change the way the Medicare and Medicaid system works
  • Stop the DEA attack on prescribed opioids for chronic pain sufferers
  • Sexual harassment
  • Protect the ADA
  • Enforcement of the ADA by the DOJ
  • Gutting ADA
  • Healthcare
  • Accessible medical exam, hospital equipment, etc.
  • Affordable health insurance & increasing doctor networks who will take Medi-Cal
  • Drug prices
  • net accessibility, tihs survey is NOT accessible on many devices
  • Disabled people who are homeless
  • set asides to increase hiring diabled people
  • as we move to a more integrated community - have available bathrooms that address the needs for ALL (including changing station for adults)
  • People with disabilities should have retiremen accounts through their employer
  • Lowered medication/treatment costs
  • fight against registration of mentally ill people by state or federal government
  • School paraprofessional training
  • Tax exemption for accommodations in homes
  • Disability representation in mass media
  • IHSS, eliminate marriage penalties
  • addressing sexual assault issues in the disabled community
  • Disability justice is still very very anti-indigenous
  • Attacks on Medicaid
  • connect political advocacy with disabled artists
  • Ableism
  • Allow people on SSI to save up without restrictions
  • Opioid restrictions
  • ADA enforcement
  • Medication accessibility (medical marijuana and opiates)
  • use of psychotropic drugs in nursing homes
  • Affordable Housing decreasing, rent controlled housing is old and inaccessible, newer accessible housing is unaffordable to disabled people
  • Current WH against disability rights
  • Hard of hearing/ Deaf
  • ....with a disease.
  • Protecting the ACA
  • Invisible disabilities
  • Prescription Costs
  • Increase public and private accessiblity
  • The affordable housing crisis
  • Emergency and disaster plans must include disabled
  • Fast Track safety testing of driverless cars by building state of the art testing facilities, require that driverless cars have safety features turned on for open testing.
  • Immigration rights of disabled people
  • Ensuring rights of college students remain protected by OCR
  • Protect ACA / support Universal Health Care
  • Transportation to employment
  • designate 'van only' disabled parking for wheelchair vans
  • Strategies to protect disabled people of color from institutional violence
  • Decouple professional work from access to healthcare at all income levels
  • HR 620
  • Service dog education
  • Accessibility in the arts
  • A bill making it a requirement for all insurance to cover spinraza for all SMA patients of all ages
  • Elder abuse
  • No cuts to Medicaid and other disability benefits
  • Transportation access with Uber/Lyft
  • Protecting the safety net of all public benefits (SSI, disability, food stamps)
  • public transit/amtrak access protections
  • Police violence against people with mental and other disabilities
  • increased wages for personal support staff
  • School districtos should enforce parents to know special education rights
  • Representation in media
  • provide healthcare professionals with training for treating disabled patients
  • Train teachers and school about inclusion
  • Revise disabled parking & standardize placards
  • Housing
  • Disability justice still relies on sanist power structures
  • Dept. of Ed abandonment of special ed.
  • raise profile of nat'l disabled role models
  • Increase allocation of money for community mental health resources
  • Guarantee of pre-existing condition coverage
  • transportation access
  • Protection of Medicare, Medicaid, SSI
  • Mental Illnesses!
  • So far I believe you have important....
  • Protecting the privacy/independence of mentally ill
  • Restriction of Pain Management Treatment via Opioids
  • Make accessibility standard
  • Attempts to gut medicare, medicaid, social safety net programs
  • When driverless cars become available, allow persons with disabilities the option to purchase or lease one.
  • Right to service and support animals in transportation and housing
  • NIH FDA funding
  • Make sure changes in federal programs don't hurt disabled people unintentionally
  • Uplift and amplify voices of multiply marginalized people with disabilities
  • Remove restrictions on saving money while receiving government aid
  • Stop the shocks at Judge Rotenberg Center
  • Mental wellness resources
  • Funding for independent living centers
  • Implement disability awareness and disability etiquette and education around ableism into public schools, so that children learn from early on to humanize PWD, rather than pity them
  • Drug costs and access
  • inproving teacher pay and training requirements for special ed teachers and student aides
  • Raise Social Security payments so it's not enforced poverty
  • Ban ABA in general education classrooms
  • Pass both DIA and CFC in states that are working towards community integration.
  • The tax plan and cuts to Medicaid, Medicare
  • Lack of PCA supports for the legally blind
  • access to home and community based waiver
  • No age restrictions on ANY necessary programs
  • 3/19/2018 4:23 PM
  • Intersectional disability (BIPOC & LGTBQ+)
  • lack of competent information regarding why disability is equivalent in human rights matters
  • Inclusion of disability awareness and accessibility for political campaigns, offices etc
  • Encourage the disabled to maintain health and fitness. Access to medical gyms.
  • More funding for research on rare diseases
  • Disability images
  • stop things like HR-620
  • Cuts to HUD's housing program
  • ensure support staff are competent in supporting people in theuse of AAC
  • All public building should be accessible
  • Sexual abuse
  • fight for disabled parents' custody rights
  • Pay 4 Care
  • National standards and certification service animals
  • Accessibility
  • I'm grateful y'all can get arrested but deaf and disabled BIPOC are being harmed & killed by police in their homes. Please signal boost that too.
  • acknowledge how we are murdered by our parents
  • Make it easier for disabled Medicaid recipients to get home care or assistants
  • defending ACA/Medicaid
  • Lack of treatment and support for the mentally ill
  • ....issues covered.
  • Employment equal
  • Disabilities and homelessness and the right to rest.
  • Allow autistics to be able to access services that would enable them to thrive even after they turn 18
  • Rare disease research
  • Development of autonomous vehicles as a tool for disabled people
  • Protect the healthcare of trans people with disabilities
  • More access to disabled people in all parts of the media
  • Disability presence on social media
  • Demand better and more humane emergency plans for students with disabilities, instead of forcing them to sit and wait and potentially be a target
  • Ending Medicare two year wait for SSDI recipients especially compassionate allowance eligible recipients
  • scale ssi payment to inflation and bring disabled people dependant on ssi out of severe poverty
  • Mandate edu on deficit thinking, equity, inclusion taught by disabled people
  • Reverse and block HR620 from further passing.
  • Stigmatization of Mental illness
  • blind customers create orders (ie instacart) VOCALLY with 'live' person on phone
  • Push early intervention programs
  • Long wait time for disability hearings for SSDI
  • Hire more disabled people to creat a more diverse government
  • there is NO ONE following the state and federal dollars designated to improve disabled lives a few "providers" get filthy rich while we remain in poverty
  • Change criteria for disability rights and payments
  • Help increase funding for accessible affordable housing.
  • Domestic violence against people with disabilities -- we need a coercive control law like the UK.
  • Fill potholes and build curb cuts please my partner can't do a wheelie
  • Stricter enforcement of the ADA/make it easier to file a complaint
  • Require accessible taxi cabs in metro areas
  • Raise awareness about etiquette for people who use wheelchair
  • Better safety net for disabled, poor, elderly
  • give tax breaks for companies who hire people with disabilities
  • Create youth programs/clubs in schools for youth with disabilities
  • Government Outreach & Advocacy
  • need technologies for disabilities at work and/or home
  • Autism parents
  • IHSS
  • Finding solutions to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on people with disabilities.
  • Discharge of student loans for those who become disabled must not be considered taxable income
  • Aces to capital
  • enforce stricter parking rules in HC spaces
  • Cuts to social supports at the state level in Calif.
  • Medicare for all
  • Medical abuse
  • more comprehensive disability/accessibility training in the workplace
  • Establish inclusion programs among peers in school
  • Better funding for modified vehicles
  • Technology
  • Please don't forget about disabled people who don't have the resources to get on Medicaid and SS but are suffering. Where do we fit in?
  • support smaller satellite disablity rights groups
  • Force universities to allow medical leave without consequences to federal aid, grades, or ability to return
  • mentally ill/Deaf/addicted in prisons
  • Enforcement of accessibility
  • I have nothing new to offer at this time.
  • Hiring of more disabled in government
  • Lack of mental health and addiction coverage
  • Offer mentoring services for autistics to run their own business in their field of choice such as fashion or help for aspiring actors/models.
  • Protect ADA / HR 620
  • End "services cliff" and make benefits responsive to unexpected needs
  • End homelessness for disabled veterans and disabled transgender people
  • Expand disability laws and policies to make accommodations in college a more seamless task for those who were on a 504 or IEP in high school. In other words, don’t force students to start ‘proving’ their disability from scratch if they don’t have to, or if their disability or need for accommodations has been there long before college.
  • Protecting benefits from GOP attack due to tax cuts for rich
  • new insurance requirement expanding mobility aid coverage. as is only mobility aids needed for use in home are covered, mobility aids should be covered if you need them, not just in the home
  • Uncover the fraud in FAPE and Special Education
  • Allow for orgs like HUD to catagorize classify disability access needs, like communal services, Public transportation and other services as a allowed catagory, (disability access) as a preference catagory on HUD sponcered places for seniors and PWD'S.
  • Access to affordable Housing
  • All brochures to AUDIO for blind
  • Increase the medical caps on insurance
  • Trump and his administration are trying to kill us!
  • Improve higher ed and job opportunities for disabled.
  • Widen doors and walkways
  • Make cities more accessible
  • Protect ADA from be diminished by political parties with hitten agendas
  • PSAs about why people-first language sucks when imposed rather than chosen.
  • protect medicare, social security, SSI, and ADA
  • Coordinated programs/collaboration from grade school to highschool
  • Protection of special education funding
  • need businesses with/for Disabilities Boss/Supervisor without discriminate
  • Spike in public acceptance of eugenics
  • Social Security
  • Increasing social security benefits to realistically meet the cost of living needs.
  • expand ABLE account access
  • Cuts to research
  • Eliminate all disability and marriage penalties in SSA
  • Increase funding for Social Security local offices.
  • Legal or legislative action to stop implementation of EVV
  • Increased SSDI payments (especially for early onset disability which limits accrued countable income)
  • Arresting those who abuse disabled people
  • Protect the ADA - Stop Senate from introducing version of HR620


2016 #CripTheVote Disability Issues Survey Results

508 people responded as of May 1, 2016

1. Disability Policy Areas in priority order: 1 = top priority, 10 = lowest priority.

1. Health Care
2. Civil Rights / Discrimination
3. Accessibility
4. Employment
5. Housing
6. Education
7. Long Term Care / Personal Assistance
8. Benefits
9. Transportation
10. Assistive Technology

2. Disability Policy Ideas: Respondents asked to choose 5 out of 15 specific ideas. (Percent of respondents who chose each one, in order of popularity, most to least.

53.64% Hire and appoint more disabled people to government and policy-making positions.
51.56% Pass the Disability Integration Act to promote independent living instead of nursing homes.
48.44% Require disability awareness training for law enforcement.
46.78% Ban or phase out payment of sub-minimum wage.
44.91% Defend Social Security and Medicaid / Medicare against political attacks.
44.07% Change Social Security to reduce or eliminate work disincentives.
43.66% Strengthen enforcement of accessibility standards.
33.89% Eliminate use of physical restraint and isolation in public schools.
28.07% Eliminate the Social Security “marriage penalty.”
24.12% Strengthen voting rights and accessibility.
20.17% Strengthen the rights of parents with disabilities.
16.01% Ban or phase out sheltered workshops.
15.38% Increase federal share of Special Education costs.
15.18% Review and reform guardianship laws relating to people with disabilities.
14.14% Strengthen enforcement of “most integrated setting” regulations in Special Education.

3. What best describes your interest in disability?

57% I have a disability
21% I have a disability and disabled person(s) in my family
11% There is a disabled person(s) in my family
6% I work in the disability field
5% Just interested