Friday, October 13, 2017
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Monday, October 2, 2017
Sunday, October 1, 2017
#CripThe Vote Candidate Spotlight Series: Jen Longdon, Chris Haulmark, and Carrie Ann Lucas
#CripTheVote Twitter Chat
Candidate Spotlight
October 9, 10 & 12, 2017
4 pm Pacific / 7 pm Eastern
With the mid-term elections coming up in 2018, #CripTheVote is starting a new series of Twitter chats highlighting candidates with disabilities running for political office in the United States. We are thrilled to have our first guests in this series, Jen Longdon, Chris Haulmark, and Carrie Ann Lucas.
October 9, 2017, 7 pm Eastern
Candidate for Arizona House, District 24
October 10, 2017, 7 pm Eastern
Chris Haulmark
Candidate for Congress, Kansas, District 3
October 12, 2017, 7 pm Eastern
Candidate for Town Board, Ward 5, Windsor, Colorado
In the first half of the hour, candidates will answer questions by the co-partners of #CripTheVote and the second half will be open to questions from our community directly to the candidates.
Note: #CripTheVote is a nonpartisan online movement. We do not endorse any candidate and are featuring these individuals to encourage political participation and public service.
Please join us! Information on how to participate and the chat’s questions below.
How to Participate
When it’s time, search #CripTheVote on Twitter for the series of live tweets under the ‘Latest’ tab for the full conversation.
If you don’t use Twitter, you can follow along in real time here: http://twubs.com/CripTheVote
If you might be overwhelmed by the volume of tweets and only want to see the chat’s questions so you can respond to them, check @DisVisibility’s account. Each question will tweeted 5-6 minutes apart.
Check out this explanation of how to participate in a Twitter chat by Ruti Regan: https://storify.com/RutiRegan/examplechat
Check out this captioned #ASL explanation of how to participate in a Twitter chat by @behearddc. #CripTheVote
Introductory Tweets for Candidate Spotlight Chat
Welcome to the #CripTheVote chat Candidate Spotlight with: [name] of [town/state].
Remember to use the #CripTheVote hashtag when you tweet.
If you respond to a question such as Q1, your tweet should follow this format: “A1 [your message] #CripTheVote”
Please note the first 4 questions are directed to the [candidate] and we’ll open it up to Qs from you #CripTheVote
Q1. Tell us a little about yourself and why you decided to run for office #CripTheVote
Q2. How is the campaign going so far and what have you learned while reaching out voters and the public? #CripTheVote
Q3. What are some disability rights issues you are concerned about locally, regionally, and nationally as a candidate? #CripTheVote
Q4 Why is it important for people with disabilities to engage in public service? What's your advice to people in our community? #CripTheVote
At this point, we’d like to open up the questions to the #CripTheVote with [candidate] who will reply as many as possible for next 30 min
The hour has flown by! This concludes the #CripTheVote candidate spotlight. Thank you for joining us.
Special thanks to [name of candidate] for sharing your time with us and all the best with your upcoming election! #CripTheVote
A Storify of this #CripTheVote chat will be up shortly. #CripTheVote
Please keep the convo going! You can find updates & more info here: http://cripthevote.blogspot.com/ #CripTheVote